Thursday, June 30, 2011

Castles in the Sand

We didn't do any sand sculpting during our vacation at Holden Beach last week, but a couple of years ago niece Cathy and the kids did a pretty good mermaid--nothing professional, but good none-the-less. [Click to embiggen.]

We were a couple of years early. Yesterday, the Blogfather linked to this article in Popular Mechanics on building sand castles, and today the Wall Street Journal chimed in with this article.

Them are some pretty impressive sand castles. It puts us amateurs to shame.

1 comment:

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

Thank you Preston for reminding us of Zev Place. Now that I think about it, that's where the Music Loft relocated-- in the building that housed the relocated Carlson Antiques! Maybe it doesn't have any houses on it so the realtors' page that we use doesn't list it.

Janis & Dave