Sunday, December 04, 2011
Tigers Regain National Championship Belt
Clemson will put the Belt on the line at the Orange Bowl in January. Go Tigers!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Veteran's Day 2011
Special thoughts for Tommy Rose, George Mims, Robert Walden, and Sam McDowell.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
A Disservice to the ACC
It may all come to a crashing end any Saturday now, but until it does we Clemson fans are really enjoying this season. But just imagine where the Tigers might be if the ACC football writers had been more prescient and seen that this year's team was as good as it is and voted it the favorite for the conference championship instead of fourth. If the Tigers had been pre-season favorites (and perhaps ranked 6th nationally like Florida State), who doubts they wouldn't today be higher in the BCS rankings with a better chance at playing for the National Championship. Oh the injustice!
As Dabo says, the only polls that count are in December, and unless the team is 1-0 every week until then this is all just blah, blah, blah. And don't forget, Clemson still has the National Football Championship Belt. (Where is Ben Holder when we need him?)
At least basketball has a national championship so this same scenario won't play out next March.
Be Careful What You Ask For . . .
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Going Public
I had been having some slight/mild abdominal pain during the summer and when I mentioned it to my doctor, Mark Perini, during my annual physical visit, he thought I should get it checked out further ("We never like to ignore abdominal pain."). I had abdominal x-rays the next day to rule out some obvious things (i.e. kidney stones), and when the x-rays showed nothing of note, he followed up with a CT scan and then an MRI. The CT scan showed an "ill-defined mass involving the body of the pancreas" and the MRI showed a pancreatic tail mass "most consistent with an adenocarcinoma" with "no definite hepatic metastasis".
Dr. Perini immediately followed up with the Comprehensive Cancer Center at Wake Forest Baptist Health Center (where he had gone to medical school) and got me an appointment with Dr. Perry Shen there. At our 9/30 appointment Dr. Shen reviewed the CT and MRI results and believed the tumor was very "operable" with a distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy, procedures to remove the tumor, part of the pancreas (leaving the pancreas head and some tissue to provide some continuing pancreas function), and the spleen (which isn't really necessary for adults. This is the least invasive pancreatic surgery, less severe than a total pancreas removal or a Whipple procedure, which removes part of the stomach, small intestine, and other affected organs as well.
Surgery was scheduled for Oct. 26, the earliest date Dr. Shen had available on his schedule. Since this type tumor is very slow-growing and Dr. Shen wanted an endoscopic ultrasound and biopsy procedure done to make sure of the diagnosis before surgery, it seemed like a reasonable date.
Dr. Shen never used the word "cure" in discussing the treatment, but he did say that surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiation if necessary was the best course of action.
After thinking about the situation over the weekend, I called Dr. Perini on Monday to discuss the schedule with him. I wanted to do the surgery sooner rather than later. He agreed to call Dr. Shen and see if the surgery could be moved up. The next day they called to say it had been rescheduled for 10/20 pending the completion of the endoscopic ultrasound and biopsy procedure. We scheduled that procedure for Tuesday 10/11 and it went off very well.
They gave me the ultrasound results that day as a stage T3NOMX tumor and confirmed a day or so later that the biopsy confirmed the mass was an adenocarcinoma. That day or the next they called to see if I would be interested in moving surgery up to 10/17 and I said I would be.
I haven't talked about long-term prognosis with Dr. Shen, but Dr. Perini tells me that five-year survivability of pancreatic cancer is in the 20% range, so this isn't a good diagnosis. However, if truth be told, I'm not sure I expected much more than five-year survivability when I had cardiac bypass surgery six years ago, so maybe I'm ahead of the game.
From my discussions with Dr. Shen, I expected to surgery to be somewhat like the bypass surgery, with perhaps less risk in the actual operation but a more difficult recovery period. He said I'd be in the hospital for a week or so and have a several-week recovery period afterwards.
I wanted to wait until I had a better feel about the long-term prognosis before I told the world about my situation, so I had only mentioned this to my sisters and my closest friends and asked them to use their discretion in telling others. By last Saturday, however, I realized it would be better for me to tell the story than others to hear by rumor, so I sent out an e-mail announcement to my extended family and some other friends explaining the situation.
On Monday, accompanied by my sister Peggy (and surprised there by my friends Roy and Patsy Johnston), I was at Baptist Hospital at my appointed 11:30am time, expecting to be there for a week of so and then home for recovery. We waited until about 2:00, when Dr. Shen's associate came out to tell us that their first procedure of the day (which they had started at 7:30 am) still had three to five hours to go. He said if I preferred, I could wait and have my surgery when they finished that case, or we could reschedule for a later time. After some discussion back and forth, I thought I'd rather have fresh surgeon than one who had been working 10+ hours already. Besides, I hadn't eaten since 10:30 the previous evening and couldn't have anything to drink before the surgery. So we decided to reschedule. It was quite a let-down, but I'm confident it was the right decision.
When I called yesterday to reschedule the surgery, they said the first time they had available for a first-surgery-of-the-day appointment was November 10. I said I'd take it, but I asked them to see if they couldn't do better since I knew the long wait wasn't going to make my situation better.
After discussing the situation with Dr. Perini, I called this morning re-pleading my case to see what other alternatives might be available to get the operation done sooner (different surgeon, etc.) and I'm awaiting their reply.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
If College Football Were "Rasslin'"
As the web site explains (follow the link and click on Belt Description), since college football doesn't have an actual championship game decided on the field, it needs a Championship Belt, like professional wrestling. When the belt-holder plays and wins, they keep the belt; if they lose, it passes to the winner.
Starting with the first college game between Princeton and Rutgers in 1869 to the present day, the belt is now worn by Clemson by virtue of their defeat of Auburn last week-end. The Belt is thus on the line again this week when Clemson plays FSU. Will the Tigers retain this mythical National Championship symbol?
I hope so. Go Tigers!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Things Seen and Unseen
In the economic sphere an act, a habit, an institution, a law produces not only one effect, but a series of effects. Of these effects, the first alone is immediate; it appears simultaneously with its cause; it is seen. The other effects emerge only subsequently; they are not seen; we are fortunate if we foresee them.
There is only one difference between a bad economist and a good one: the bad economist confines himself to the visible effect; the good economist takes into account both the effect that can be seen and those effects that must be foreseen.
Yet this difference is tremendous; for it almost always happens that when the immediate consequence is favorable, the later consequences are disastrous, and vice versa. Whence it follows that the bad economist pursues a small present good that will be followed by a great evil to come, while the good economist pursues a great good to come, at the risk of a small present evil.
The essay has a number of subsections: the Broken Window; the Disbanding of Troops; Taxes; Theatres, Fine Arts; Public Works; the Intermediates; Restrictions; Machinery; Credit; Algeria; Frugality and Luxury; and He Who Has a Right to Work Has a Right to Profit.
I'm not an economist, but this sounds like good argument as to why many government economic measures don't work, particularly public works spending and tariffs.
I found the essay very interesting and worth the time it took to read. I'd be interested in looking at articles debunking Bastiat's thoughts.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Castles in the Sand

We were a couple of years early. Yesterday, the Blogfather linked to this article in Popular Mechanics on building sand castles, and today the Wall Street Journal chimed in with this article.
Them are some pretty impressive sand castles. It puts us amateurs to shame.
Monday, May 02, 2011
Today In Baseball
1876 In Cincinnati against the Redlegs, Chicago's Ross Barnes hits the first home run in the history of National League. The former National Association superstar also has, in addition to his inside-the-park homer, a single, a triple, two stolen bases and scores four runs.
1901 After the Tigers take the lead in the top of the inning at Chicago's South Side Park, the White Sox slow down the pace of the game in hopes the contest will be rained out. Umpire Tom Connolly is not impressed and forefits the game, the first in American league history, giving Detroit a 7-5 victory.
1920 The first game of National Negro Baseball League is played in Indianapolis when the hometown ABC's beat the Chicago Giants at Washington Park, 4-2. Schorling's Park, the home field of the Giants, will be unavailable for another month due to the occupation of the National Guard, stationed there as a result of the The Chicago Race Riot of 1919, prompting the delay of the inaugural season in the Windy City, a huge disappointment for the newly-formed league.
1930 In Des Moines, Iowa, a Western League contest against Wichita becomes the first night baseball game to be played under permanent lights. The unique event, which draws 12,000 fans instead of the usual 600 patrons, is the beginning of a concept which will spread quickly through the minors and spare many organizations from the on-slaught of the Great Depression.
1930 Due to 102 degree fever, Joe Sewell’s consecutive streak ends at 1,103 games when he doesn't appear in a game against the Red Sox at Fenway Park. The Indian shortstop, who hasn't missed a game since 1922, is only 204 games shy of the all-time record of 1,307 games set in 1925 by Yankee shortstop Everett Scott.
Nine years later:
1939 Prior to a game with the Tigers in Detroit, Lou Gehrig tells his manager, Joe McCarthy, that he is benching himself "for the good of the team". The Yankee legend's record streak, which began in 1925, ends at 2,130 consecutive games.
1954 In a twin bill at Sportsman's Park, eight-year old Nate Colbert watches Cardinals Stan Musial become the first major leaguer to hit five home runs in a doubleheader. In 1972, as a 26-year old Padres first baseman, he will become the only other major leaguer to repeat this feat.
1984 Don Mattingly's seventh inning single breaks up LaMarr Hoyt's perfect game bid. The lone hit, an opposite field blooper, is followed up by a double play and the White Sox hurler faces the minimum 27 batters defeating the Yankees, 3-0.
2008 Jose Reyes is thrown out at home plate in an unusual attempt to complete the cycle with an inside-the-park homer. The shortstop’s four hits pace the Mets 7-2 win over Diamondbacks, the club’s 14th victory in the last 15 games played against Arizona at Chase Field.
Read these and 28 0ther interesting facts at one of my favorite web sites: Today In Baseball History
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Notes on Old Movie Week
I would not put Slumdog Millionaire at the top of my favorite movies list, but I can see why it has gotten so much critical acclaim. I'm glad we saw it on DVD, though. After watching the first few minutes and understanding little of the dialogue, we turned the English sub-titles on on the DVD and could easily understand the rest of the movie. Without sub-titles, I think we would have been lost for the rest of the show.
This is the second time sub-titles has saved a movie for me. I watched the BBC version of State of Play on DVD several weeks ago, and though it was supposedly in English, I had great difficulty understanding the accents. The English sub-titles on the DVD saved the day. As best I can determine, Netflix doesn't support sub-titles on watch-it-now movies. This could be a problem for some even "English language" movies.
I had missed the new True Grit movie the first time around. (I had even missed the old John Wayne version of many years ago.) Friday night I went with some friends to see it at the Sedgefield Crossings $1 theater. I enjoyed the show but was particularly surprised with the experience. The ambiance was nice though certainly not luxurious. There were more folks in the theater than had been in last half-dozen movies I have seen total. I think this isn't so much a theater as it's a popcorn stand with cheap movies attached. I enjoyed the experience and recommend it for movies you may have missed in their expensive showings the first time around.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Firefox 4 Upgrade Problem
Prior to uninstalling FF4 I tried to use Windows Restore function to take my computer back to before the FF4 install. The most recent restore point I had was a week or so ago (I know, I should have established a Restore Point before installing FF4). Restore was unable to do the restore function, so I was left with plan B. As Roseanne Roseannadanna said, "It's always something."
Saturday, March 19, 2011
It's Always High Noon on the Moon
Tonight will be the (pick one: biggest, brightest, closest) full moon in almost 20 years. A lot of guys will be out photographing it, so I thought I'd offer some advice for getting a properly exposed picture of the full moon. Most pictures of the full moon are overexposed--white discs with no surface detail. To get a properly exposed picture, remember the advice I got from The Nikon School traveling show back in the early 70's: it's always high noon on the moon.
This means that the proper exposure for a full-moon shot follows the Sunny 16 rule: the proper exposure for a sunny day is f/16 aperture and a shutter speed of 1/the ISO setting (1.e. 1/100 for ISO=100). So, for tonight, put your camera on manual mode and set the film-speed/sensitivity/whatever to 100, set the aperture to f/16 and the shutter speed to 1/100 sec. You can, of course, use any equivalent setting.
As was point out when I made this suggestion on The Online Photographer blog several months ago, this is only an approximation. The moon is actually a dark gray color (the color of coal, as the Greensboro Daily Photo pointed out) so the applicable rule is more-nearly the Sunny 13 rule, but in today's digital world, either will get you close enough for your first try. (Do remember that a newly rising moon will be darker than an overhead moon so exposure will be different for each position.) Good luck and good shooting.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Why "The King's Speech" Lost the Oscar?
I don't know when exactly the votes were cast, but I can imagine that a lot of Hollywood types would find it very difficult to vote for a movie about a man who played a significant role in Rupert Murdoch's life and success.With "The King's Speech" gaining the Oscar traction it deserves—the latest boost being an expression of approval from Queen Elizabeth—I can't resist going public with a story that I've relished telling to friends, and to the people who made the movie. Several weeks before it opened, I had a conversation with Rupert Murdoch, who popped a question familiar to movie critics: What should he see?
I suggested "The King's Speech," and, not wanting to spoil it with too many details, gave a shorthand description: Colin Firth as King George VI, who has a terrible stutter, and Geoffrey Rush as a raffish Australian speech therapist.
Yes, he replied, Lionel Logue.
"So you know the story."
Not the story of the movie, he said. "Lionel Logue saved my father's life."
When I responded with speechlessness, he explained that his father, as a young man, wanted passionately to be a newspaper reporter, but couldn't interview people because he stuttered. Then he met Lionel Logue, who cured him in less than a year.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Joining the 21st Century
The Shopping Experience. I'm not much of a shopper. I went to two big-box stores, Best Buy and H.H. Gregg, and got good help and advice from both. Both came up with the same basic suggestions for what I needed and prices were similar. I checked both companies' web sites and was surprised to find Best Buy's web prices seemed to be $100-$200 (on a $1,600 purchase) less than the in-store price. The Best Buy salesman said he didn't work on commission, so I wondered where the difference came from.
I bought from H.H. Gregg. I opted for the 12-mo.-free-credit offer. We'll see if that turns out to be a mistake.
The Setting-Up Experience. In trying to learn about what I needed to do to get my cable service into the 21st century as well, I had a lot of trouble getting in touch with the cable folks ( at TWC). I visited the local office twice in person but both times there was a long line for counter service so I didn't wait. I phoned several times but could never get through to a person. There were several frustrating tries, but that's another story. I finally googled "time warner" and tried one of those ads on the right-hand-side of the screen for something like "" and, after another long trip through voice-mail got connected with a person who could answer my questions and, finally, set up an appointment to install digital cable. Because of the circuitous route of getting to TWC, I wondered if I had fallen victim to some sort of phishing scam, but the installation went off as planned on Sunday afternoon.
The TWC installer was on-time and got the system up-graded with a minimum of fuss. He was quite competent in the TWC equipment but didn't offer much help in other areas: best way to connect the DVD player, how to connect to Netflix or the internet, or other non-TWC direct issues. He gave the barest instructions on using the DVR and none on other features part of the system. After he left I plunged in and tried to make sense of things. Early in the installation he had asked me where I wanted the cable box located and I pointed to the side of the TV opposite where the DVD was. This turned out to be in front of the remote sensor for the TV, which I didn't realize until after he had left and I was working through some or the how-to-use-everything issues. I'd have thought he should have been aware of this problem and warned me of it.
The First Few Days. I had set up the TV using my old cable service prior the digital upgrade, and had come across a couple of issues (the question of aspect ratios primarily), but managing the greatly increased number of channels is still an open question.
I got the system connected to Netflix with a minimum of problems and was able to set up instant viewing through my in-house router without a problem. It took a call to my nephew to solve a couple of non-intuitive Netflix issues, but that system seems to be working well.
I had to call TWC customer service to get help in setting up DVR recording, but they got me on the right path and I was able to test-record several programs on Monday. Playing-back those programs presented a problem when the fast-forward and rewind features didn't appear to work properly (they moved at 15-min increments rather than slowly or by seconds). Another call to TWC customer service couldn't resolve the problem so they scheduled a technician visit for Thursday. I thought that was prompt service.
Continuing issues. I still have several continuing issues:
1. Managing the greatly increased number of possible channels is a problem. (Remember the Confucian proverb "He who has a choice has trouble".) The TWC customer service rep advised that the technician could help me with setting up the Favorite Channels feature (which we couldn't find while I was on the phone with them. I subsequently found it but it seems pretty lame and difficult to set-up).
2. I haven't been able to get the DVD player (actually a "home entertainment reliever") to connect with my computer to access my library of .mp3 music and play-lists.
3. I haven't been able figure out how to connect to Hulu, YouTube, or other internet video sources. Maybe another trip out to talk with the salesman at H.H. Gregg will help. Any other suggestions?
4. I don't like the Three Remotes issue (Cable, TV, DVD). My next step is to try to get the cable remote to operate the DVD. If it will turn the DVD player on and off and control the basic playing functions, that will be a help, but moving from cable to internet and back to cable is harder than I wish it was.
5. The new system presents some new furniture problems. The old entertainment center I had made to hold the TV and related stereo equipment is obsolete, as is most of the old equipment (speakers, receiver, cassette player, maybe VCR player). I look forward to replacing this with a 21st century solution (or maybe an 18th century solution).
Overall the process has been very positive so far. I'm impressed with the quality of the HD picture on the TV channels and with the surround sound of the DVD player. I haven't tried a blu-ray disk yet, but regular dvd's look great! I love the convenience of Netflix instant viewing. I wish there were more choices, but I haven't been able to watch all the ones on my current list so I haven't needed more choice yet. My one-DVD-at-a-time Netflix subscription isn't perfect, but so far turnaround time has been very good: return DVD today and get a replacement in two business days.
I hope the positive experiences continue.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
My, How Times Have Changed
When I read the story, I was struck by several interesting details in the story, including Elvis giving money to servicemen and Elvis hugging Nixon. This struck me as particularly notable:
"California Senator George Murphy was coincidentally on the flight from Los Angeles to Washington. Elvis sought out Murphy back in tourist to enlist his assistance. . . ."Can you imagine a US Senator flying in Tourist Class from LA to DC today? That would be almost unbelievable.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
What a Crock of . . .
I appreciate that we need laws to protect us from miscreants, but one of the reasons we pay police officers and prosecutors is to exercise some judgment in how strictly to enforce "laws". We give them considerable power but expect it will be used wisely. I guess we are lucky that during the time the deputy took to deal with Mr. Craver something bad didn't happen on that 911 hang-up the deputy was investigating.
This is a perfect time for the Thomasville city council to: (1) send Mr. Craver a letter reminding him he should not be committing misdemeanors, even in the privacy of a friend's home; (2) send the sheriff a letter reminding him that his deputies are expected to show some judgment in doing their jobs and pursuing a pot-smoker into his home on the basis of suspecting smelling marijuana smoke is not a good use of police resources; and (3) send the county district attorney a letter noting that there are more important things for the Davidson County justice system to do than pursue citizens committing victimless misdemeanors in their homes.
For the rest of us, it is a reminder of how important it is to practice using the critical phrase for innocent folks when dealing with law enforcement officers: "I do not submit to searches." If you question the wisdom of this advice, consider the case of Mr. Craver.