Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh, Wow! Oh, deer.

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On my way to supper earlier this evening I saw a large deer standing along Lakewood Drive as I turned left onto Lakewood from Farrar, heading towards Friendly Ave. The deer dove into the woods of Hamilton Lake park between Lakewood and Starmount about opposite 1106 Lakewood. This is the first deer I've seen this far into town. I don't know if it is a resident or a tourist, but I'll be looking for it on my daily walks through this area.

1 comment:

grmapege said...

A large deer bounded in front of me across Meade Drive near Muirs Chapel Road several years ago. Guess "yours" is part of that family that has continued to live in the area. Amazing how they stay hidden so well! Cathy hit one when she lived in northern NY and was lucky she wasn't injured. (That deer died.)